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Chap-09 - Building Design
BS Architecture (Arki01)
University of Northern Philippines
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I. Introduction
A. Background
ìBuildings account for one-sixth of the worldís freshwater withdrawals, one-quarter of its wood harvest and two-fifths of its material and energy flows.î 1 Forty percent of the worldís energy consumption results from construction and operation of buildings. A high percentage of the resources that enter the global economy end up in the form of buildings or structures. Such utilization of resources strikes at the very core of the global effort towards sustainability.
Designing buildings and maintenance systems to be sustainable, green or ecological means maximizing available resources such as lighting and ventilation, reducing energy and water consumption and using materials that are renewable and reduce harmful effects to the environment.
The need for sustainable buildings or ëgreen buildingsí is in direct conjunction with the need for sustainable urbanization. Green building is a growing practice in the US, Europe and other regions, beginning with the first EcoHomes constructed nearly two decades ago, to todayís ìenvironment citiesî. Increasingly being applied around the world, the move towards green buildings is not just a trend, but part of a greater realization that designing without regard for sustainability results in significant waste generation and rapid loss of limited resources.
The adoption of a ìgreenî approach to building design and management entails concerted efforts of the government, business community and civil society. Institutional, social, economic and cultural foundations should be in place for green building and management to succeed.
In the Philippines, active collaboration is necessary at the local and national levels. Republic Act No. 7160, or the Local Government Code of 1991, has given local government units (LGUs) the authority to impose regulatory functions that impact on sustainability, such as the enforcement of the National Building Code, the approval of subdivision plans, etc.
As the first step in achieving sustainability, a national roadmap for establishing a program for sustainable design and management of buildings is needed. The roadmap should focus on developing markets for green buildings by developing institutions that foster sustainability, providing new technological solutions, scaling up existing proven technologies and developing new business models. It should promote strategic local and international partnerships.
To be able to design and manage green buildings, information dissemination and market encouragement is a must. In this regard, the role of LGUs is crucial.
1 Sustainable Technical Manual: Green Building Design, Construction and Operation. Public Technology, Inc.,
U. Green Building Council, 1996.
B. Objectives
- This chapter aims to:
- provide LGUs with a know-how on sustainable building design and management;
- identify issues and opportunities for green building design and management;
- present various case studies from countries practicing sustainable building design and management;
- suggest possible programs, projects and initiatives that can facilitate the adoption of sustainable building design and management in the Philippines.
C. Scope and Limitations
This chapter focuses on how LGUs can attain sustainability through building design and management. It emphasizes on green buildings as a way to achieve the vision of sustainable development.
Due to limited data on green building design and management in the Philippines, this chapter shall be guided by foreign practice applied in the Philippine context.
D. Significance
This chapter is useful to all parties concerned with the design, construction and management of buildings. It can be a timely guide in the assessment of building design and management.
Of particular interest is the development of criteria for sustainable buildings, in view of the scarcity of resources, and the environmental deterioration caused by rapid urbanization and unplanned development.
It will lead to the implementation of sustainable building design and management as a means to attaining the vision of sustainable Philippine cities 2030.
II. Green Building Basics
- This section describes the elements for a sustainable building design and management. It answers the questions: ìWhat makes buildings green?î and ìWhy design and manage green buildings?î It includes definitions, benefits, and elements of green buildings.
A. Definition of Green Buildings
- “Green” or “sustainable” building involves an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to a building project and its components and designs by analyzing the building on a full life-cycle basis. It is a “cradle to grave” approach that encompasses a building’s total economic and environmental impact and performance, from material extraction, product manufacture and product transportation, building design, construction and maintenance, building reuse or disposal.
Energy Efficiency. All possible measures are taken to ensure that the building's use of energy is minimal. Cooling and lighting systems use methods and products that conserve or eliminate energy use.
Material Efficiency. All possible measures are taken to use building materials and products that minimize destruction of the global environment. Wood is selected based on non-destructive forestry practices. Other materials and products are to be considered based on the toxic waste output of production.
Water Efficiency. Water saving is important since fresh water resources in many areas are being rapidly depleted by development, reservoirs are shrinking and aquifer depths are dropping. Thus, it is important to lower water consumption through low-flush toilets, low-flow showerheads and faucets, and washing machines that have "water-miser" features
Indoor Environmental Quality. The most important part of a structure is its indoor space because it is here where the interaction of the inhabitants and his physical shell interact. The materials used and the orientation of the structure with regards to its environment affects significantly the indoor environmental quality of a green building.
Waste Reduction and Recycling. Waste management is given great importance and has the element of recycling. Used water (called gray water) is used for flushing toilets and irrigation. Construction materials and furniture are reused or recycled.
Culture-Orientation. It is also important to consider the behavior and values of its inhabitants in the design of the green building. In the Philippine context, values are reflected most in the family and the community.
III. Green Building Toolbox
- This section covers pre-design and design stages of green building, environmentally sound construction methods, renovations, retrofitting, operation and maintenance.
A. Pre-Design Phase
- This is the first step in the building design process, where:
- green project goals are established;
- processes to achieve these goals are defined;
- clear understandings of the expected results are developed.
- An ìintegrated building designî is a cornerstone for developing sustainable buildings:
- Building designers can obtain the most effective results by designing various building systems and components as interdependent parts of the entire structure.
- The team approach to design and construction ensures the development and construction of an integrated green building process.
- All parties on the design team must commit themselves to the sustainable goals of the project.
- To achieve a multi-disciplinary approach: ó Team members should be made aware of the benefits. ó Team members should look beyond their own disciplines.
- This may exist as part of a building ownerís operating policies or may be developed for a particular construction project.
- There is a need to develop environmental design guidelines, which include:
- vision and goals;
- green design criteria ó prioritization in the context of the projectís budget and scheduling constraints; ó justification of green measures by using the projected financial savings.
- Green building requirements take the following into account:
- a clear understanding of clientís expectations of the building;
- a general and a room-by-room description of the project;
- a consideration of the broader community context of the building and strive to reflect local design as influenced by cultural and climatic factors
- The project and building construction budget should include:
- relevant design fees and construction costs;
- doing life-cycle cost analysis;
- seeking advice of architects, engineers and other consultants who practice or specialize in green architecture, systems and technologies;
- providing budget contingencies for additional research and analysis of options.
- When selecting the design team:
- The design and construction team to be put up should use the ìWhole - Building Integrated Design Approachî.
- Their scope of work should be determined and their qualifications obtained.
- There should be an appropriate method for contractor selection ñ pre- qualifying on the basis of interest and experience in green building.
- A partnership-oriented process between the client and design team should be implemented.
B. Design Phase
In the design phase of the project, the following have to be taken into consideration.
- Maximize natural daylight and minimize heating by orientation to the sun.
- Utilize existing infrastructure (utilities and transportation).
- Minimize impervious areas on-site to reduce run-off.
- Reduce heat island effect through landscaping.
- Encourage infill and mixed use development.
- Avoid use of pesticides and other chemicals for soil treatment that may leach into the groundwater.
- Situate a building to benefit from vegetation.
- Protect trees and topsoil during sitework.
- Provide responsible on-site water management.
- minimizing windows on west walls to prevent low morning and afternoon sun heating up the house
Stormwater management ó Sidewalks, driveways and parking lots should be sloped toward open space, where water can infiltrate into the ground rather than go toward drains. ó Rainwater and graywater can be used for: □ landscape irrigation systems □ washing cars □ cooling towers (largest single user of water in commercial and industrial buildings) □ toilets
Wastewater management: ó water reuse by irrigation and soil absorption systems.
Issues and opportunities: ó Communities must revise their regulations/policies regarding wastewater. ó Who is going to own and operate these cluster wastewater systems? ó The construction, operation, and maintenance of these publicly owned systems can be paid for by user fees, property taxes, grants, bonds and other special obligation funds.
- Elements of Filipino architecture like wide windows, the ventanilla under windows and high-pitched roofs are green building design features that reduce energy use by providing natural ventilation and lighting.
- Behavior and values should be taken into account depending on the practices in the locality. (e. location of toilet, storage, extended families, etc.)
- Staging plan for the project should be made.
- Isolate construction sites.
- Schedule noxious work to maximize time and reduce waste.
- Efficient use of energy in construction sites.
- Efficient use of water.
- Recycle construction debris.
- Test and inspect for potential contaminants.
- Use of recycled products.
- Track actual waste production
- building inspection;
- building monitoring;
- water treatment;
- integrated waste management program;
- pest control;
- avoid asbestos, lead paints, PCB in the lighting ballast, PCB transformer fluid, mercury-containing fluorescent lamps;
- green housekeeping;
- regular cleaning;
- continuous education of staff and other users of the building.
IV. Rating Tools and Performance Standards
- This section enumerates and discusses the various sustainability rating tools used abroad.
- These tools are necessary to enable environmental effects of urban and building schemes to be demonstrated or compared.
- They permits planning authorities to choose from options, set targets and establish goals.
- They use diverse technologies ñ makes adoption of any one scheme difficult; no single one can apply to all circumstances.
A. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
- This is a voluntary, consensus-based national (US) standard for developing high performance, sustainable buildings. The rationale for its creation is as follows:
- to define "green building" by establishing a common standard of measurement;
- to promote integrated, whole-building design practices;
- to recognize environmental leadership in the building industry;
- to stimulate green competition;
- to raise consumer awareness of green building benefits;
- to transform the building market.
- LEED provides a complete framework for assessing building performance and meeting sustainability goals. Points are awarded for each area of performance:
- sustainable sites, including site selection, transportation, site disturbance, stormwater management and landscape issues;
- water efficiency, including landscape and wastewater issues;
- energy and atmosphere, including energy performance and renewable energy use issues;
- materials and resources, including reuse of materials, waste management and recycling;
- indoor environmental quality, including air quality, comfort and daylight issues;
- innovation and design process.
The total score corresponds to a rating in a scale of CERTIFIED, SILVER, GOLD or PLATINUM.
Standards include:
- LEED-NC: new commercial construction and major renovation projects
- LEED-EB: existing buildings
C. Green Building Challenge: GBTool
- GBTool is a spreadsheet-based assessment method not yet intended for end users are still under study.
D. Australian Building Greenhouse Rating Scheme
- This scheme is aimed at arriving at greenhouse gas emission in terms of normalized CO2 emissions per square meter of building floor area. It is administered by official assessors. A version is available for initial personal evaluation. Rating is from 1 to 5 stars.
E. Sustainability Checklist for Developments
- The following checklist can also be used to rate sustainability:
- Land use, urban form and design
- Transport
- Energy
- Buildings
F. Philippine Green Building Standards or Code
- The Philippines currently does not have a code for green buildings. The Department of Energy (DOE) is, however, preparing a manual intended to become a referral code.
V. Material Technologies
- This section enumerates the construction materials and systems that can be used to design and manage sustainable buildings.
A. Reducing Energy Use
- Cooling loads can be reduced through:
- building orientation;
- high quality windows;
- insulation.
- Use of electrical power can be reduced through:
- fluorescent lamps;
- efficient air cooling and airconditioning systems;
- Following are alternative sources of energy:
- solar;
- wind;
- geothermal.
B. Conserving Water
- We can conserve water by using:
- dual-flush toilets;
- under-sink flow restrictors
- Some ways of cutting down on water consumption:
- native landscaping;
- drought-tolerant plantings.
- Following are some products that donít release significant pollutants into the building:
- no VOC paints;
- formaldehyde-free cabinets;
- non-toxic caulks, sealers and adhesives;
- CRI Green Label carpets and pads
- And here are some products that block the spread or remove indoor pollutants:
- duct mastic;
- effective ventilation and equipment
C. Conserving Natural Resources
- We can conserve our natural resources by using products with recycled content:
- carpet, tile, wallboard;
- wood replacements made from polystyrene.
Use products made from agricultural waste material, like rice hulls.
Reducing material use also conserve natural resources:
- drywall clips;
- concrete pigments that turn concrete slabs into finished floors
Use products made from renewable materials, like:
- bamboo flooring;
- natural linoleum;
- cork and textiles from wool;
- organic cotton.
Use wood products from sustainably managed forests.
- Use lumber from independently certified well-managed forests.
- Avoid lumber products produced from old-growth timber unless they are certified.
- Use salvaged products. We can reduce landfill pressure and save natural resources by using salvaged materials: lumber, millwork, certain plumbing fixtures, and hardware, for
- other environmental or social costs/benefits (impacts on transportation, solid waste, water, energy, infrastructure, worker productivity, outdoor air emissions, etc).
Life-cycle cost method calculates costs over the useful life of the asset. It is incorporated at the project's conceptual design phase with the assistance of an integrated team of professionals.
The integrated systems approach takes into consideration the adaptability of the building to its:
- occupants;
- environment;
- community.
The design process should encourage refurbishment, alteration or demolition, recycling and reuse. Life cycle assessments provide the decision makers with the information on alternatives.
Life cycle assessment for building materials is a cradle-to-grave systems approach for understanding the environmental consequences of technology choices. It is based on the belief that all stages in the life of a material generate environmental impacts and must, therefore, be analyzed, including raw material extraction, processing, intermediate materials, manufacture, installation, O&M, recycling and waste management.
It involves:
- Scoping ñ what is the purpose? What decision does is mean to support?
- Inventory analysis ñ identifies and quantifies the environmental inputs and outputs associated with a material
- Impact valuation ñ synthesizes the environmental impacts by combining them with stakeholder values
- Improvement assessment ñ identifies and evaluates opportunities for making changes in the product life cycle which improve its cradle-to-grave environmental performance
- Life-cycle-cost method for building materials:
- sums over a given study period the costs of an investment;
- includes the costs of initial investment, replacements, operations, maintenance and repair, and disposal;
- essential to use the same approach for each alternative whose LCCs are to be compared;
- study period varies according to stakeholder perspective.
- Distinguishing between life cycles using LCA and LCC:
- LCA ñ environmental life cycle concept: begins with raw materials extraction and ends with recycle, reuse or disposal
- LCC ñ building life-cycle concept: begins with installation in the building and lasts for the duration of the LCC period
- Balancing Environmental and Economic Performance
Figure 9 Economic Cost and Environmental Performance
- A 2003 study conducted for the California Sustainable Building Task Force showed that an initial increase in upfront costs of approximately 2% for green design will yield lifecycle savings of more than 10 times the initial investment, or 20% of total construction costs (based on a conservative estimate of a 20-year building life).
VIII. Case Studies
- This section lists actual green building projects in the U., Europe, Africa, and Asia.
A. Southeast Asia
- Following are some of the winners of the ASEAN Energy Awards:
- Roof of Performing Arts Center (Theater on the Bay), Singapore ― 10,000 pieces aluminum and glass, solar studies, building envelope;
- 6750 Ayala, Philippines ― Double glazed windows gets sun in without getting heat in;
- RCBC Plaza, Philippines ― Chiller selection, lighting fixtures;
- Peninsula Bangkok Hotel, Thailand ― Extra low voltage system;
B. Europe
In the Netherlands, where ecological building features have become a common practice, significant experimentation with sustainable development projects began in the early 1990s, which are partially funded by the government. The first wave of experimentation included residential projects in Ecolonia (Alphen a/d Rijn), Morra Park (Drachten), and Ecodus (Delft). These projects demonstrated a wide range of ecological building ideas and techniques. These include, among others, greenroofs on some units; solar glass rooms; energy-conserving features; the use of recycled building materials; solar hot water heating units; rainwater collection; appropriate building orientation; etc.
Other larger institutional structures designed and built on principles of sustainability exist in Queens Building (in Leicester), the ING-headquarters (in Amsterdam) and SAS- headquarters (in Stockholm). The ING-headquartersí results are spectacular. There has been a dramatic decrease in energy consumption. And since employees enjoy working in
Economic Cost
Environmental Performance
- The waste heat from the generator will both warm the offices and power a refrigeration plant to cool them.
D. Zimbabwe
- The cooling system of the Eastgate Complex in Harare, capital of Zimbabwe, is modeled after African termite mounds, in which air is cooled below the earth and then drawn upward through chimneys, forcing out hot air.
IX. Critical Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
- Some aspects of design entails little or no initial cost including site orientation and window and overhang placement.
- "Right sizing" of infrastructure and mechanical systems reduce costs.
- Some benefits are difficult to measure and cannot be predicted accurately.
- Long-lasting nature of sustainability issues and activities demand that time periods over which investments is analyzed are longer.
- Most buildings are designed as a settlement between the various designers, each defending their own turf.
- Whole Building or Integrated Design Approach should be used. ― It should be designed as a team and not by different uncoordinated professionals or consultants.
- Greenness of location means: ― accessibility to basic services; ― site orientation to maximize natural light and ventilation.
Lack of awareness and information ― lack of information among communities, especially in the provinces.
Sustainable development has not become the standard practice: Sporadic, disconcerted efforts have failed to mobilize the market.
There is no well defined institutional setup to support the green building movement: In most developing countries there is little technical support and information available to the professionals engaged in the building industry, and consumers at large.
- Preoccupation of owners to focus on location as the prime, and sometimes only relative determinant of value.
- Lack of value placed on environmental design quality by purchasers.
- The scale of green building operation limits mainstream market participation: Most of the green building projects are small-scale and limited in scope. To scale up green buildings, it is important to involve the design and construction
industry which understands the business processes behind the scale up, and has the knowledge of the building sector.
- Green technologies are usually after-thoughts. This leads to bad aesthetics and inefficient performance.
- New technologies require approval by government bodies.
- To successfully implement green building design and management, a coordinated effort of government and the private sector is needed.
X. Suggested Programs and Initiatives
- Following are some steps the government can take:
- Make local versions of assessment and rating schemes for new development and redevelopment.
- Provide direct and indirect financial encouragement for green buildings, like: ― rebates on taxes; ― grants; ― low interest rate loans.
- Impose taxes on non-sustainable buildings.
- Fund a partnered program to determine the business benefits from sustainable construction.
- Local government authorities should utilize quality of life indicators to measure social, economic and environmental issues, and use these as a tool to develop community strategies.
- Own and maintain a wide range of buildings and facilities that are energy efficient.
- Provide a variety of administrative, regulatory and financing tools that can help local governments develop and operate building resources in a sustainable manner.
- Create policies for municipal procurement, contract specifications, building performance and building codes regulating community standards; enact resolutions, training and education programs and ordinances.
- Create community boards and commissions to create green buildings.
- Provide economic incentives for green buildings.
- Have capability and experience to create model programs and buildings, which set examples for resource-efficient guidelines.
- Examine local government policies and procurement procedures for inclusion of green building measures.
- Develop a demonstration green building project.
- Require the government building projects to incorporate renewable energy and energy efficient systems, indoor-air-quality guidelines and waste and water efficiency measures.
- Survey and learn from other countries with green building projects,
- Develop a green building awards program; co-sponsor the program.
- Survey and publish the communityís green building resources.
- Initiate a conference series,
- Assemble a green building resource library.
A. Internet Links
- BREEAM (BREís Environmental Assessment Method): breaam
- Green Buildings BC: greenbuildingsbc
- Green Globes ñ Environmental Assessment for Buildings: greenglobes
- U. Green Building Council: usgbc
B. Books
- Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities, by Beatley, Timothy, Island Press: 2000.
- Sustainability and Cities, by Newman, Peter, Island Press, 1999.
- Sustainable Technical Manual: Green Building Design, Construction and Operation. Public Technology, Inc., U. Green Building Council, 1996.
C. Periodicals
- Architectural Record, February 2006.
- Architectural Record, December 2005.
- Charles E. Buban, “Creating Low-Energy Homes”, Philippine Daily Inquirer, August 16, 2006.
- Sparks, Curtis J., "Treating Waste," Urban Land, June 2005.
- Rose, Jonathan, Urban Land Magazine, pp. 68-80. June 2005.
D. Product Directories
E. Interviews
Survey: a) NREA b) SURP c) PIA -Philippine Institute of Architects
F. Seminars
- Green Architecture by GAM, May 2005
- Green Architecture: The Cutting Edge, IDALA Convention, August 2006
Chap-09 - Building Design
Course: BS Architecture (Arki01)
University: University of Northern Philippines
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