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Bazele Economiei
Universitatea din Pitesti
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Article · May 2009 Source: RePEc
1 author:
Florica Stefanescu University of Oradea 22 PUBLICATIONS 35 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE
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Ştefănescu Florica Oradea, str. Izvorului, nr Universitatea din Oradea Facultatea de Stiinte Socio Umane Str. Universitatii, nr E-mail florica_stefanescu@yahoo tel 568620
Outstanding Romanian man of culture in the second half of the XIX’th century, known as remarkable historian, A.D was also a genuine economist, preoccupied not only by the theory but also by the practice of economics. I have achieved an investigation of the referential papers and articles with economic content published in the press at the time in view of highlighting and opening perspectives on the contributions of Xenopol in the field of economics, of joining the effort of recovering the cultural Romanian values. The interest of Xenopol for the economic state of the Romanian people derives from the very track of love for the country which spans all about his work and which urged him to search the causes of Romania’s remaining belated compared to Western countries and to suggest solutions of surpassing the laggings. I dare believe that this work will stir the curiosity for studying and exploring further on Xenopol’s ideas, many of them very actual indeed. Key words: A.D, economist, XIXth century, thematic works, of present interest Clasification JEL N01, N
They said – and they were right – about Xenopol that he was a man of his time, that is “in his historical, economic, social and political writings he never avoided an essential aspect of the general state and evolutin of our country” 309. Some said that Xenopol was no theoretician of the economic science: G. Dobre 310 , I. Veverca 311 , Z. Ornea 312 , L. Boicu 313. But there were also opposite points of view: V. Ioţa 314 , G. Zane 315 , V. Nechita 316. Neither the first, nor the latter expressed radical positions, nor do we think that the economic work of Xenopol would be worthz of such a position. There is no doubt that the writings and the authors that Xenopol mentions allowed him to get aquainted with the economic theory. Moreover, in his works he operates with economic conceps, speaks about different economic theories which he defends or – on the contrary – he accuses: the free trade 317 , the protectionism 318 , the theory of value 319 , the theory of money 320 , the work division 321 , the productive and non-productive work 322 , the property problem 323 , the commercial bilance and the paying bilance 324 , the budget problem, the problem of the external debt 325 , the problem of the capital circuit 326 and much more that he does not mention explicitely but which can easily be understood: productivity, nominal salary, capital etc.
309 Leonid Boicu, Al, 1972, p. 382 310 G. Dobre, 1970, p. 22 311 Ion Veverca, 1967, p. 44- 312 Zigu Ornea, 1957, p. 70 313 Leonid Boicu, 1972, p. 385 314 Vasile Ioţa, 1969, p 12 315 G. Zane, 1972, p. 104 316 Vasile Nechita, 1972, p. 137 317 A.D, 1967, p. 95-98 and p. 291- 318 Ibidem 319 Ibidem 320 Ibidem 321 Ibidem, p. 84- 322 Ibidem, p. 110- 323 Românul, 31st May, 1882, p. 481 324 A. Xenopol, 1967, p. 190- 325 Ibidem, p. 211- 326 Ibidem, p. 299-
Xenopol’s interest for the problems of the material life shows itself pretty early, that is in the time when, by spending two years (1851-1853) in Filipeni (Bacau) by Iordache Roset, he feels that “the love towards the rural life and the peasants grows in me here” 335. This interest is not rare, but it prove sto be a permanent one, the way Xenopol himself confesses: “I have always been interested in the economic life of the societies...” 336. Beginning with his studies in Berlin, he approaches “highly the economists Carey, the American, and Fr. List” 337 , gettino in contact also with the works of other famous economists, especially classical ones, a fact proved by the numerous mentions of their ideas and works in his economic studies. Xenopol attributes a great importance to the economic situation of Romania and to the means of assuring its prosperity. His interest for these aspects are comprised in some articles and works published in the newspapers and magazines of the time or gathered in brochures and greater works, while they are differently important. Xenopol thinks that “Economic Studies” created “an important idea movement on the economic field” 338 ; and at the same time in several conferences both within the country and abroad as well as his active participation at the first economic congress in Romania held in Iasi 1882, where he dealt with the industry section 339. But he also treats the economic-social problem in his historical works: The Romanian History in the Traina Dacia, The Reign of Cuza, The History of the Political Parties, The Fanariot Era (1711-1821) and even in the Theory of History , where numerous arguments and examples belog to the economic life. Actually Xenopol himself stated: “I tried... not to see the whole history only in political facts... I studied the development of the nobles, in the Romanian history, the production and the wealth of the countries... by always trying to connect them to the development of the people” 340. Moreover, Xenopol recommends the study of the political economy in the Romanian schools, a science one can learn a lot from: “that the movement of wealth in a people obeys certain laws, that the recovery of the material wellfare of a people is the first condition of any other progress, that this recovery should be done by general means applied to the whole country...”. If all this were learned by a great number of people Xenopol thinks that “we would see another way of dealing with things” 341. The classification of Xenopol’s economic studies For everyone who goes through these studies, even if only through their titles, it is obvious that Xenopol was preoccupied and approached the whole economic problem: the agriculture, the industry, the trade, he made his observations regarding the economic situation, he identified solutions for overcoming the disfunctionalities in the economic field, he made comparisons to the economies of other states, he drew his conclusions from the past evolution of the Romanian economy. I studies: 1 upon our actual state, I-IV, (study, 1877,113 p.) 2 economic state (the 5th part in Studies upon our actual state, 1877, 39 p.) 3 Studies (studies; ed, 1879, 152 p. ; ed. II, 1882, 264 p.) 4 liberal party and the economic movement (study, 1882, 25 p.) 5. Economic improvements to be realised in northern Romania, especially in Iasi (study, 8 p.) 6 printings (travel notes, brochure, 1888) 7 thoughts about our economic state (conference, 1895)
335 A.D, 1967, p. 363 336 Ibidem, p. 337 Ibidem, p. 379 338 Ibidem 339 Mihaela Carp, I. Saizu, 1889, p. 303- 340 A. Xenopol, 1967, p. 385 341 A. Xenopol, 1860
8 decay of Iasi (article, 1904) 9 the needs of Iasi (article, 1904) 10."The Cadastre of Romania" by gen. C. Brătianu (report, 1904, 3 p.) 11 economic regeneration of our country (study, 1910, 3 p.) II and rural studies 1 and trade (conference, 1880) 2 economic matter. Our agricultural regime considered in its effects, by Gr.N (rece, 1882, 3 p) 3."The agricultural questionnaire" de N. Mandrea (recenzie, 1884, 2 p.) 4 agricultural state compared to that of other countries (article, 1887) 5 practical guide for the Romanain peasant (conference, 1902) 6 role of the teacher as a factor in the rural economy (conference, 1902) 7 agricultural investigation (article, 1902) 8 the peasantry matter (article, 1902) 9 the serious situation of the peasants (conference, 1902) 10 regeneration of the Romanian peasant (article, 1902) 11 needs of the peasantry (conference, 1902) 12 plantations (article, 1902) 13 economic state of the Romanian peasant (conference, study, 1903, 13 p.) 14 losses in the agriculture of the Iasi county (article, 1903) 15 peasants’ and the Romanians’ matter abroad (article, 1903) 16 lecture regarding the peasantry matter (lecture, 1904) 17 situation economique du paysan rouman (study, 1905, 32 p.) 18 de rezerve et foures communaux (study, 1905, 12 p.) 19 de la question rurale en Roumanie (study, 1906, 46 p.) 20 peasantry matter (conference, 1906) 21 rural banc (article, 1907) 22 the peasantry’s rebellions (interview, 1907) 23 of putting down peasantry rebellions (article, 1907) 24 agricultural rebellions in Romania (article, 1907) 25 of improving the state of the Romanian peasants (brochure, 1907, 47 p.) 26 about the peasant’s agriculture (article, 1908) 27 peasants’ agriculture (article, 1909) 28."The peasantry matter in Romania and the new agricultural laws" by G. Dragu, Bucureşti, 1908 (rep, 1909, 1p.) 29 new letter of Mr. Panu about the peasants’ state (article, 1909) 30 question paysan (a propos d'un livre recent) (the work of Gh. Panu Research upon the state of the peasants in the past, Bucureşti, 1910) (study, 1910, 11 p.) 31'Amelioration de la condition des paysans roumains (study, 1910, 4 p.) 32 demagogy (article, 1911) 33 culture (article, 1913) III on industrial matters 1 and trade (conference, 1880) 2 and functionarism (conference, 1880) 3 exposition in Iasi (article, 1884) 4 industrial investigation (article, 1885) 5."The Romanian worker" by A. Cuza (report, 1893, 8 p.) 6 beer industry and the tax (brochure, 1895, 97 p.) 7 silk industry (brochure, 1896, 52 p.) 8 and trade (conference, 1898)
4 direction of our education (article, 1985) 5 movement of the people in the Iasi county (article, 1885) 6 socialism (conference, 1893) 7 impact of alcoholism on the economic state (conference, 1897) 8 the matter of competition for the “Prise Alexandru Bodescu”:"The economic, statistical and social Monography of a rural location abroad”, 13th April 1899 9 do we live in towns? (conference, 1899, in volume, 10 p.) 10 and socialism (lecture, 1910) VII and banc studies 1 interest of gold, I-III (article, 1884) 2 interest of gold and the debates of the Chamber (article, 1885) 3 financial situation of Romania under the liberal government (study, 1887, 31 p.) 4 economic magazine of the year 1900 (article, 1900) 5 waste (article, 1902) 6 rules of the rural saving houses (article, 1902) 7 rural banc (article, 1907) 8 demography (article, 1911) 9 beer industry and the tax (brochure, 1898) VIII doctrine studies We have to mention that Xenopol is no theoretician of economy, because he is mostly preoccupied with the practical aspects of the economic life. However, the economic theory and the aspects concernine the economic doctrines were not only unknown to him, but he adopted some of them, for example the protectionist theory, and denied others – the free trade. The works in which Xenopol approaches these problems are: 1 political economy treaty of Ioan Strat (rec, 1970, 7 p.) 2."Economic talks" by Ion Ghica (rec, 1872, 3 p.) 3 economic matter (article, 1886) 4 and Switzerland (article, 1886) 5 national economy (article, 1893) Conclusions a) The most numerous and consistent are the studies about agriculture and about the rural world; then the economic ones in general, then the studies about trade, industry, the economic history studies, the socio-economic studies, the financial and banking studies and in the end the studies about economic doctrines. It is worth analizing the two extremes. Why such a great interest for agriculture, for the peasant, for the villane? The reasons are different: peasantry used to be the most numerous, agriculture was the main economic branch, the villane was the most popular environment, the peasants’ problems were the most complex and difficult and their solving the priority. What is the cause for the small number of studies concerning the economic doctrines? First of all, Xenopol was no theoretician of economy, although he was aquainted with the main ideas of economy; back in the country after having studied, Xenopol feels the need of analizing the concrete economic problems of the country, of formulatine solutions for the overcoming of the deficits in the Romanian economy, so that this country should catch up with the civilized countries. Trying to separate in time the economic preoccupations of Xenopol, we could say that between 1870 and 1882 he deals mostly with economic doctrine problems, by means of theory but also proving with data and facts the negative influence of the free trade and the need of protectionist measures; until 1888 he finalizes the most important studies about economy in general (Our economic state, Economic studies, The liberal party and the economic movement, Memorium. Economic improvements to be realised in northern Romania and especially in Iasi) and those about trade (Romania’s external trade, Romania’s trade in 1881, The foreign economic politics
and Romania) and the financial and banking ones (The interest of gold, The interest of gold and the debates of the Chamber, the financial situation Romania’s under the liberal government); between 1888 and 1893, an important period of time in the history, Xenopol writes his most important studies of economic history, some of them being included in different chapters of The Romanians’ History in the Dacia Traiana (The Leading Ideas in the development of the Romanian people, The economic state of the Romanian countries in the fanariot era, About the social state of the Romanian people in the past), between 1893 and 1900 he shows a special interest in the problems of industry, which were a topic of several conferences but also of some bigger studies (The industry of beer and the tax, The silk industry); between 1900 and 1908 and especially around the year 1907 Xenopol focuses with sympathy on the peasants, on their economic, social or other problems, observating them and suggesting solutions for the improvement of their situation (The economic state of the Romanian peasant, Means of improving the state of the Romanian peasantry); finally, the socio-economic studies, either as such or by means of mentioning the social problems in the other studies, seem to be a permanent preoccupation. b) Xenopol was very well aware and very interested in the current economic problems of the country; he alternates, on one hand, his economic with his historical preoccupations, but he also combines them on the other hand, realising this way important economic history studies; he combines the press articles with conferences and with reports on other economic works; he wants to make his ideas popular by also publishing in brochures, excerpts and then in the press; he is very well aquainted with the economic terminology and with important works in the Romanian and international economy, areason for which he translates some articles into French and publishes them in widely known magazines; his bigger and more consistent economic studies are written between 1870 and 1888 and between 1888 and 1913 he only writes articles and works for conferences; the exceptions are the studies: The industry of beer and the tax (1895), The silk industry (1896) and Mens of improving the state of the Romanian peasantry (1907), consequently the historical economy works included in the history works.
Bibliography 1, L., Zub, Al., (1972), A. Xenopol, Studii privitoare la viaţa şi opera sa, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti 2, M., Saizu, I., A.D şi primul congres economic din România, Iaşi, 10- octombrie 1882, in AIIAI, XXVI/ 1, 1989 3, G., (1970), Despre "Studii economice" de A.D şi semnificaţia lor teoreticã, în vol. A.D – economist, Bucureşti 4ţa, V., Ştiinţa economică în concepţia lui A Xenopol, în Viaţa economică, VII, 1969, nr. 3/ 5ţa, V., (1972), Teoria economică generală în scrierile lui Xenopol, în A.D - Studii privitoare la viaţa şi opera sa, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti 6, V., (1972), Încercări de filosofie economică în opera lui A.D, în A.D - Studii privitoare la viaţa şi opera sa, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti 7, Z., Contribuţii la cunoaşterea opiniilor social-economice ale lui A.D, în Studii. Revista de istorie, Anul X, nr, 1957, iulie-august 8. Vasiloiu, V., (1941), Influenţa lui Fr. List asupra gândirii lui A.D, in ALACI, XII, Bucureşti 9, I., (1935), Gândirea economicã în România, în Revista Fundaţiilor Regale, an II, nr. 10, I., (1967), Studiu introductiv la: A.D, Opere economice. Texte alese, Ed Academiei R.S., Bucureşti
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Course: Bazele Economiei
University: Universitatea din Pitesti
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