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What is language teaching

How can a teacher teach the second language

taller de informatica (DERECHO INFORMATIVO)

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Ecole High Tech

Academic year: 2021/2022
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What is language teaching& learning theory?

 Language teaching :

Older model: Language learning is a process of transmission. Teacher transmits knowledge. Learner is recipient. Knowledge goes from instructor's brain into student's brain. This teacher- centered model views the teacher as active and the student as fundamentally passive. The teacher is responsible for transmitting all of the information to the students. The teacher talks; the students listen and absorb (or take a nap). The teacher-centered model may be attractive to new language instructors for several reasons:

 It is the method by which they were taught, so it's familiar.

 It makes sense: The teacher should be the focus of the classroom, since the teacher knows the language and the students do not.

 It requires relatively little preparation: All the teacher needs to do is present the material outlined in the appropriate chapter of the book (turn the pages).

 It requires relatively little thought about students or student activities: All the students simply listen to the same (teacher) presentation, then do related exercises.

However, experienced language instructors who reflect on their teaching practice have observed that the teacher-centered model has two major drawbacks:

 It involves only a minority of students in actual language learning

 It gives students knowledge about the language, but does not necessarily enable them to use it for purposes that interest them


Newer model: Language learning is a process of construction conducted mainly by the learner but facilitated by the instructor. Learner develops ability to use the language for specific communication purposes. The teacher models language use and facilitates students' development of language skills. In this learner-centered model, both student and teacher are active participants who share responsibility for the student's learning. Instructor and students work together to identify how students expect to use the language. The instructor models correct and appropriate language use, and students then use the language themselves in practice activities that simulate real communication situations. The active, joint engagement of students and teacher leads to a dynamic classroom environment in which teaching and learning become rewarding and enjoyable. Language instructors who have never experienced learner-centered instruction can find it daunting in several ways.

 It requires more preparation time: Instructors must consider students' language learning goals, identify classroom activities that will connect those with the material presented in the textbook, and find appropriate real-world materials to accompany them.

 It is mysterious: It's not clear what, exactly, an instructor does to make a classroom learner centered.

 It feels like it isn't going to work: When students first are invited to participate actively, they may be slow to get started as they assess the tasks and figure out classroom dynamics.

 It feels chaotic: Once student start working in small groups, the classroom becomes noisy and the instructor must be comfortable with the idea that students may make mistakes that are not heard and corrected.


teachers stop giving that positive reinforcement, less students may get A’s on their tests, because the behavior isn’t connected to a reward for them.

Repetition and positive reinforcement go hand-in-hand with the behavioral learning theory. Teachers often work to strike the right balance of repeating the situation and having the positive reinforcement come to show students why they should continue that behavior.

Motivation plays an important role in behavioral learning. Positive and negative reinforcement can be motivators for students. For example, a student who receives praise for a good test score is much more likely to learn the answers effectively than a student who receives no praise for a good test score. The student who receives no praise is experiencing negative reinforcement—their brain tells them that though they got a good grade, it didn’t really matter, so the material of the test becomes unimportant to them. Conversely students who receive positive reinforcement see a direct correlation to continuing excellence, completely based on that response to a positive stimulus.

 Cognitivism learning theory :

Cognitivism is a psychological framework that arose as a response to behaviorism in the 1950s.

Behavioural learning theory suggests we learn through conditioning, or through interaction with the environment around us. Cognitive learning theory, on the other hand, suggests that our cognitive processes have a role to play in determining knowledge and behaviour.

In other words, it suggests that learning is influenced by both external and internal factors.

You can actually trace cognitivism all the way back to Plato and Rene Descartes.

Descartes is famous for the phrase ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ meaning ‘I think, therefore I am.’ This was an act of cognition — thinking about thinking. It has inspired countless others to explore how thought works and what this means about the world around us.

One of the people most recognised for their work in this field is Jean Piaget. He was one of the first psychologists to make a systematic study of cognitive development. He developed the theory to suggest that learning is an active process and occurs in various stages.

 Constructivism learning theory :


Constructivism is an important learning theory that educators use to help their students learn. Constructivism is based on the idea that people actively construct or make their own knowledge, and that reality is determined by your experiences as a learner. Basically, learners use their previous knowledge as a foundation and build on it with new things that they learn. So everyone's individual experiences make their learning unique to them.

Constructivism is crucial to understand as an educator because it influences the way all of your students learn. Teachers and instructors that understand the constructivist learning theory understand that their students bring their own unique experiences to the classroom every day. Their background and previous knowledge impacts how they are able to learn. Educators are able to use constructivist learning theory to help their students understand their previous knowledge. If you’re a current or aspiring educator, it’s important to get the education and credentials you need. But it’s also important to understand learning theories and how they impact you and your students. This guide will tell you more about the constructivist learning theory and how it helps you as a teacher.

 Social constructivism learning theory:

Social constructivism is the view that learning occurs through social interaction and the help of others, often in a group. Social constructivism posits that the understanding an individual develops is shaped through social interaction.

The theory of social constructivism was developed by Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934). At the foundation of this theory is the belief that knowledge is not a copy of an objective reality but is rather the result the mind selecting and making sense of and recreating experiences. This means that knowledge is the result of interactions between both subjective and environmental factors.

In this view, the processing of new knowledge involves three steps:

  1. Construction - building an understanding of a new concept by drawing on many separate pieces of knowledge
  2. Storage - the mental process of putting new information into memory
  3. Retrieval - finding and using information already stored in memory

Retrieval sounds simple but is a step where errors can occur. Specifically, a learner may make a reconstruction error. Reconstruction errors occur when there is a gap in one's understanding. The tendency is to fill the gap with thoughts that are logical but may be incorrect. A learner makes a reconstruction error when retrieving information from long-term memory to construct a logical but incorrect idea.

Criteria of a Good Theory :

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What is language teaching

Course: taller de informatica (DERECHO INFORMATIVO)

25 Documents
Students shared 25 documents in this course

University: Ecole High Tech

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Theoretical views of language and language
What is language teaching& learning theory ?
Language teaching :
Older model: Language learning is a process of transmission.
Teacher transmits knowledge. Learner is recipient. Knowledge
goes from instructor's brain into student's brain. This teacher-
centered model views the teacher as active and the student as
fundamentally passive. The teacher is responsible for transmitting
all of the information to the students. The teacher talks; the
students listen and absorb (or take a nap). The teacher-centered
model may be attractive to new language instructors for several
It is the method by which they were taught, so it's
It makes sense: The teacher should be the focus of the
classroom, since the teacher knows the language and
the students do not.
It requires relatively little preparation: All the teacher
needs to do is present the material outlined in the
appropriate chapter of the book (turn the pages).
It requires relatively little thought about students or
student activities: All the students simply listen to the
same (teacher) presentation, then do related exercises.
However, experienced language instructors who reflect on their
teaching practice have observed that the teacher-centered model
has two major drawbacks:
It involves only a minority of students in actual language
It gives students knowledge about the language, but
does not necessarily enable them to use it for purposes
that interest them