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Past year questions of Prop. & Antenna for BEI and BEX Institute of Engineering

Contains Past questions for BEI and BEX

Computer Engineering (CSE123)

134 Documents
Students shared 134 documents in this course
Academic year: 2024/2025
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Examination Control Division

####### 2079 Chaitra

Subiec!:- Prcpagation and Antenna (,EX 653)

'/ Candidates are requirecl to give their answers in their or rvords as far as practicatrie.

'/ Attenrytt All questions.

'/ The Jigure in the margin indicate Fall Marks.

'/ Assume suitable data if necesslrt,

1. What is an antema? Expiain the different conditions lbr a simple conductor to be a good

antenna. l2+4)

2, State the fbllouing antenlla theorem: (a) fhevenin ibl Re ciprt,citr I,r-3]

3. Erplain the ibllou il1g pafameters of aI'iteni1a: i3*3-3]

a) Directivit,v (b) Poiarizatron (c) Input impedance

4. Derive an expression for the total field in case of two isotropic poinl. sources rvith equal

amplitude and opposite phase [8l

5. Expiain the working principle" characteristics, advantage of a rhombic antcirna and its

applications. t7l

6. Expiail in iietail about the operatii,n of o3t'rti-rl,c iellcc':,tt' \'ititt is Cir-sseqrain feecl

sy'stem? [5+3]

7. Fincl the received power in dB at a distance o1' 50 km o\ier a fiee space with 10 Cfiz

fiequency consisting of transmitting antenna rvith 25 dB gain and a rcceiving gain of 20

dB. The polvel radiated b5, transmitting antenna is 150 tlB. t5]

8. Describe nrultiple trI0i) and explain horv attnr:spberic dncts oan be r-tsed for rnicro'wave

propagation. 12+6]

9. Derive the expression between skip distance and nrarimum useable irecluenc"v $Uf)

assuming earths curvature.

10. Explain about the pr:incipie of light propagation in opticai flber:. Define nurnericai
apefiure, anil acceptance angle ivith nccessar:y figulcs and mathcmatical expressions. 12+2*2)

i 1. Write short notcsi on: (An-v Three)

a) Knitb edge diffraction

b) Splicing

c) Horn Antenna.

d) Opticai fiber loss
e) Iv{icrostr:ip antenna

[3 x3] t7l Exarn.

Level BE Full Marks 80

Programme BEI, BEX Pass {arks 32

Ycar / Fart ItrI i lI Tirne 3 hrs.




Examination Control Division

2078 Chaitra

ti_on and t"r"iii rzx ii;l^*

as practicable.

,/ Candidates are required

to give their answers in

/ Anempt Ailquestions.

/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1' Define antenna' Explain the radiation mechanism in

single wire antenna.

travelling wave long wire antenna with required diagrams.

2. State the following antenna theorem:

a) Compensation theorem

b) Reciprocity theorem

Write the features of end-fire array.








3. Explain the construction, working principle and characteristics

of Rhombic antenaa with

necessary diagram.

4' ExpJain the special features of reflector antenna and discuss

on different types of feed

used with necessary diagrams.


lelcribe briefly the structure of the ionosphere and its uses for radio frequency spectrum.

Write the characteristics of ground warre propagation.

6' Derive the formula for maximum usable frequency and skip distance assuming earth is

perfectly flat.



A free space LOS (Line of Sight) microwave link operating at 10

GHz consists of a

transmit anci receive antenna each having gain of 2s dg. Catulate ttre pattr

toss of the

link and received power for 100 Km distance. Derive Friis transmission

equation. [5+3]

What is acceptance angle? Derive the expression for Nrunerical Aperfure

with neat



9' Explain the block diagram of optical communication system. State

advantages and

applications of optical fiber compared to microwave communication link.


10. Write short notes on (Any Three) :


a) Effective antenna height

b) Firesnel Zones

c) Microstrip antenna

d) Radio frequency spectrum

Programme BEi, BEX Pass Marks 32

Year I Part lti I ii




Level BE , tr'ull Marks , 80

Time I 3


Examination Control Division

2076 Baisakh Programme


####### s-y"bjs-r!::"P-r9p"31rd"4ryr!!?(EX6s3)

'/ Cardidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicatrle.

####### {,4ttempt 4l!questians.

'/ Th"e figwres in the margin indicate futt$arks.

"/ Assunre suitable data if necessary.

1. Derive a reiation for the fleid intensity for the array of two element isotropic: radiators

####### ri,'ith current equal in magnitude but opposite in phase. Show the condition flor rnaxirna

and rninima direction of intensit--v and dra,w the radiation pattern.

2' What is the importanc of antenna array? Differentiate between End fire and Broadside


3. Explain the fbllowing antenna parameters.

a) Radiation pattems.
b) ;\ntenna gain and directivity

c) Beain width

4" Sketch the current distributio,n and radiation pafiem of center-t"ed ver-tical

following lengths. [5+3] f2+


dipole for 14l t7l

####### lsl



i) ?"

ii) 3i/

5. Name the parasitic elements used in Yagi-Uda array. Explain their signifieancs in the

anay. Ccmpare Yagi-Uda antenna with Log periodic dipoie airay. U+2.+4]

6. Draw the structure of ionosphere and explain the mechanism of ionosphere propagation, 1"6]

7. Define transmission loss. Derive the Firiss transmission equa-tion of free space

p:opagation. f2i.,

####### 8.,/S/hat is the maximum po\n/er that can be received over a distance of 15 Km line-of-sight

f,ree space with a 3 GEzfrequenc,v consisting of the ransmitting antenna gain of 25 dB

####### and receiving antenna diameter 6 with 759i, antenna elficiency? Where transmitted

pCIwer is 250W.

9. Explain the construction and types of optical fiber with necessary diagrarns.

####### 10. What are the various feature of graded index fiber? Explain the refiactive index profile

and ray transrnission in a multimode graded index fiber. i 1. Vlrite short notes on (any three):

i) Comer reflector antenna

ii) V antenna

iii) Critical frequency

####### iv) I-ight sources in optical communication

Exam. Back Level BE Full Marks 80 BEX Pass Marks 32 Year I Part Tirne 3 hrs"


Examination Control Division

2076 Bhadra candidates-are required togive their answers in their olvn words as far as practicable.

####### Attempt All questions.

####### The Jigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume suitable data dnecessary.



retarded potential? Explain horv electromagnetic lvaves are generated by a

z' state fbllowing antenna theorem: (a) Maximum power transfer

(b) superposition theorem

3 ' Explain the working principle' construction, advantages

and application of v antenna.

Sketch radiation patterns of both types of V antennas.

4' Describe the antenna gain, antenna efficiency

and antenna polarization with mathematical

####### relation if necessary.

5' what is reflector antenna? with necessary diagrams.

explain parabolic reflector antenna and its different types of feeding systems.

6" with neat diagram design the 5 elernent Yagi-Uda

antenna for the receiving 100 MI{z radio signal showing design steps. consider effective dipole length equal to 0 1 and spacing between elements is 0,c.

7 ' Explain the importance of different layers in Ionospheric


I' Define and derive the relalion of MUF and skip distance

for the case of flat earth.

9" Derive Friis transmission equation and path ioss in

####### case of free space propagation and

find out distance of line oisight as: d =:.SZ(/4 *

####### 16, )f<o,

10' Explain the construction and piopagation mechanism

####### and application of different types of

optical fibers. Define numerical aperture.

####### i i ' where are optical fibers most widelv used? Explain

the varions advantages and

disadvantages of optical fibers over inetal rvire comrrr,. 12. Write shofi notes on: (Any two) 12+ [3+3] [6+

####### t6l



t6l 17l [4+3] Is+2] [2+5] [2x3]

a) Knife edge diffraction phenomenon
b) Rhombic Antenna

c) MW Propagation


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Past year questions of Prop. & Antenna for BEI and BEX Institute of Engineering

Course: Computer Engineering (CSE123)

134 Documents
Students shared 134 documents in this course
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Examination Control Division
2079 Chaitra
Subiec!:- Prcpagation and Antenna (,EX 653)
'/ Candidates are requirecl to give their answers in their rvords as far as practicatrie.
'/ Attenrytt All questions.
'/ The Jigure.s in the margin indicate Fall Marks.
'/ Assume suitable data if necesslrt,
1. What is an antema? Expiain the different conditions lbr a simple conductor to be a good
antenna. l2+4)
2, State the fbllouing antenlla theorem: (a) fhevenin ibl Re ciprt,citr I,r-3]
3. Erplain the ibllou il1g pafameters of aI'iteni1a: i3*3-3]
a) Directivit,v (b) Poiarizatron (c) Input impedance
4. Derive an expression for the total field in case of two isotropic poinl. sources rvith equal
amplitude and opposite phase [8l
5. Expiain the working principle" characteristics, advantage of a rhombic antcirna and its
applications. t7l
6. Expiail in iietail about the operatii,n of o3t'rti.r-rl,c iellcc':,tt' \\'ititt is Cir-sseqrain feecl
sy'stem? [5+3]
7 . Fincl the received power in dB at a distance o1' 50 km o\ier a fiee space with 10 Cfiz
fiequency consisting of transmitting antenna rvith 25 dB gain and a rcceiving gain of 20
dB. The polvel radiated b5, transmitting antenna is 150 tlB. t5]
8. Describe nrultiple trI0i) and explain horv attnr:spberic dncts oan be r-tsed for rnicro'wave
propagation. 12+6]
9. Derive the expression between skip distance and nrarimum useable irecluenc"v $Uf)
assuming earths curvature.
10. Explain about the pr:incipie of light propagation in opticai flber:. Define nurnericai
apefiure, anil acceptance angle ivith nccessar:y figulcs and mathcmatical expressions. 12+2*2)
i 1. Write short notcsi on: (An-v Three)
a) Knitb edge diffraction
b) Splicing
c) Horn Antenna.
d) Opticai fiber loss
e) Iv{icrostr:ip antenna
[3 x3]
Level BE Full Marks 80
Programme BEI, BEX Pass {arks 32
Ycar / Fart ItrI i lI Tirne 3 hrs.