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Past year questions of Prop. & Antenna for BEI and BEX Institute of Engineering
Course: Computer Engineering (CSE123)
134 Documents
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University: Tribhuvan Vishwavidalaya
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Examination Control Division
2079 Chaitra
Subiec!:- Prcpagation and Antenna (,EX 653)
'/ Candidates are requirecl to give their answers in their or.vn rvords as far as practicatrie.
'/ Attenrytt All questions.
'/ The Jigure.s in the margin indicate Fall Marks.
'/ Assume suitable data if necesslrt,
1. What is an antema? Expiain the different conditions lbr a simple conductor to be a good
antenna. l2+4)
2, State the fbllouing antenlla theorem: (a) fhevenin ibl Re ciprt,citr I,r-3]
3. Erplain the ibllou il1g pafameters of aI'iteni1a: i3*3-3]
a) Directivit,v (b) Poiarizatron (c) Input impedance
4. Derive an expression for the total field in case of two isotropic poinl. sources rvith equal
amplitude and opposite phase [8l
5. Expiain the working principle" characteristics, advantage of a rhombic antcirna and its
applications. t7l
6. Expiail in iietail about the operatii,n of o3t'rti.r-rl,c iellcc':,tt' \\'ititt is Cir-sseqrain feecl
sy'stem? [5+3]
7 . Fincl the received power in dB at a distance o1' 50 km o\ier a fiee space with 10 Cfiz
fiequency consisting of transmitting antenna rvith 25 dB gain and a rcceiving gain of 20
dB. The polvel radiated b5, transmitting antenna is 150 tlB. t5]
8. Describe nrultiple trI0i) and explain horv attnr:spberic dncts oan be r-tsed for rnicro'wave
propagation. 12+6]
9. Derive the expression between skip distance and nrarimum useable irecluenc"v $Uf)
assuming earths curvature.
10. Explain about the pr:incipie of light propagation in opticai flber:. Define nurnericai
apefiure, anil acceptance angle ivith nccessar:y figulcs and mathcmatical expressions. 12+2*2)
i 1. Write short notcsi on: (An-v Three)
a) Knitb edge diffraction
b) Splicing
c) Horn Antenna.
d) Opticai fiber loss
e) Iv{icrostr:ip antenna
[3 x3]
Level BE Full Marks 80
Programme BEI, BEX Pass {arks 32
Ycar / Fart ItrI i lI Tirne 3 hrs.