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Research Methods - Lesson 6 - Methodology
Course: Business Research Methods (DMS 502)
140 Documents
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University: University of Nairobi
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1 | P a g e
Ojalla George
Kabete National Polytechnic
The study area defines the limit of the study area or problem. To identify the study area, ask
yourself……………….. Where is this population to be found? The answer entails a description of
the area in which research will take place. It includes:
• A map of the geographical coverage and area in hectares
• Climate in temperatures and rainfall
• Vegetation
• Transport structures
• Social, economic and demographic description. These are individual and household
literacy, income levels, religion, marital status and occupation among others. The
description should contain objective knowledge that other researchers have written about
the area.
➢ Explain why the area was chosen in relevance to the research problem.
Population refers to all people who possess the characteristics of interest. It is a group of people
or items from which you want to get information. This population must have specific boundaries
and limitations which clearly indicates what to be included during your investigation.
For example if you were to conduct an investigation on health problem in location A. You must
specify the boundaries of location A and people who live in this location in order for you to come
with meaningful results. The study population here therefore, is everybody living within location
A. Excludes:-
• Anybody else coming from neighbouring locations during the day of investigation.
• All visitors who happens to be in location A irrespective of where they come from during
the day of investigation.
In many circumstances, you cannot use the entire population to do investigation. This is because
of constraints of time and resources. Therefore, it is always recommended that, where you have
such constraints, you should take a sample of the population.
The optimum sample size is directly related to the type of research you are undertaking. The rule
of thumb should be to obtain as bog a sample as possible. However, resources and time tend to be
major constraints in deciding on the sample size to use.
In social sciences, the following formula as designed by Fisher et al..,(1998) could be used.