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Course: Business Research Methods (DMS 502)
140 Documents
Students shared 140 documents in this course
University: University of Nairobi
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Part 1
Location Choice
The location factor that breeds Lego’s manufacturing plant establishment in Vietnam
involves the different factors of FDI location decision which capture the multiple aspects of the
decision. These drivers can be classified as the economic and institutional environments, the
industrial cluster environment, and firm-level factors: all these elements bring value propositions
that can be of great help to Lego in the long term and its strategies.
Economic & Institution Factor
First of all, economic conditions and institutions play a major role in this sphere. Vietnam
offers FDI an attractive destination because of its; Is a rapidly developing economy, enjoying a
relatively youthful population, and has a relatively low labour costs. The country has had rather
high GDP growth rates, approximately 6 to 7 % in recent years, which means that the market is
stable and growing. Also, with the large population emphasis in Vietnam, its population is both
young and large, which guarantees a large and growing labour force and consumer market. Due
to cheaper labour as compared to other countries in the region, manufacturing costs are low and
it is favorable to keep the prices low. On institutional structures, Vietnam has exhibited a good
the shown a good progress in the improvement of the business climate. The government has put
in measures that seek to encourage FDI and these include tax holidays, bureaucratic efficiencies,
improving on physical infrastructure. Vietnam has been internationally recognized and is