Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
- University
- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
Courses (104)
- Engineering Electromagnetics by William Hyatt-8th EditionEE371
- Mechanics of SolidsME-213
- Circuit analysisEE211
- Control systemEE314
- Digital Logic DesignEE221
- Calculus 1MT 101
- Engineering StatisticsES 202
- Engineering EconomicsMS 291
- Fluid mechanics (chemical engineering)CH 341
- Numerical AnalysisES 341
- Thermodynamics-IME-231
- Linear Algebra IIES 304
- EthicsHM322
- Entrepreneurship_ Successfully Launching New Ventures-Prentice Hall (2011)(4th Edition) Bruce R. Barringer, Duane Ireland-MS-493
- Technical Report WritingHM-102
- differential equations and linear algebramt201
- Engineering dynamicsme-212
- Electricity and MagnetismPH102AccountingMS252Additive ManufacturingME453alloy productionMM243LApplied Electrical EngineeringEE 213Building Information ModelingBIM101Business StatisticsMS101Cad/CamMM-453Calculus 1MT 101Characterization of NanomaterialsMM363CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRINCIPLESCH 231Circuit analysisEE211Coastal ConstructionCV-451COMMUNICATIONEE361Computer Architecture And Assembly LanguageCs-222Computer networks and communicationsCE313Computer scienceCS101Concrete TechnologyCV-220Control systemEE314Data networks and securityCS464Data ScienceCS 439Data structuresCS221Deep neural netwokrsAI-341Design of MachineME261differential equations and linear algebramt201Digital Logic DesignCE221Digital Logic DesignEE221Discrete MathematicsCS231Electric machinesEE313Electrical Machines and DrivesME 402Electricity and MagnetismPH102ElectromagnetismES-371Electronic and Magnetic MaterialsElectronic Circuit DesignEE331Engineering dynamicsme-212Engineering EconomicsMS 291Engineering Economics and ManagementMS490Engineering Electromagnetics by William Hyatt-8th EditionEE371Engineering StatisticsES 202Entrepreneurship_ Successfully Launching New Ventures-Prentice Hall (2011)(4th Edition) Bruce R. Barringer, Duane Ireland-MS-493EthicsHM322Excuse Thistemp101Flight Dynamics and ControlME494Fluid MechanicsES-333Fluid mechanics (chemical engineering)CH 341Fluid Mechanics IIME 322Formal languages and Automata TheoryCS 224Fundamentals of Computer scienceCs121Fundamentals of ManagementMS121Geo-infromaticsCV305Geotechnical EngineeringCV332Heat TransferME 531HEAT TRANSFERCH 311High Voltage EngineeringPE 448Hydraulic Engineering DesignCV422Hydrology and water ManagementCV-323IC EnginesIndustrial Waste ManagementCH-471Inferential Statistics and Applied ProbabilityDS221Instrumentation and measurementEE-314Intensive Programming LabCS102LInternational relationHM222Intorduction To RoboticsME-452Introduction to AIAI231Introduction to DatabaseCS431introduction to material science and enineeringMM102Introduction to PhotonicsES334Irrigation EngineeringCV425IslamiatHM111Joining of MaterialsMM 351Linear Algebra IIES 304manufacturing technology 2ME352Materials and Nano Technologymm101Mechanical WorkshopME101Mechanics of MaerialsME 5343Mechanics of SolidsME-213Microprocessor InterfacingES314Microprocessor SystemsEE222NanotechnologyMM391Numerical AnalysisES 341Object Oriented ProgrammingCS112Operational ManagementMS492OptoelectronicsES576Power ElectronicsEE-434Power PlantsME-471Power System AnalysisEE-411Prestressed ConcreteCV416Probability and StatisticsES 111Programming for AIQuality controlMS-491Reinforce Concrete DesignCV414Renewable EnergyRE15Renewable EnergyEE-416Signal and systemsEE351Sociology and Human BehaviorHM-322Statics and Dynamics LabME24$Structure AnalysisCV213Supply ChainMS359Technical Report WritingHM-102theory of machinesME313Thermodynamics 2ME 332Thermodynamics-IME-231Water Supply EngineeringCV361Wave Propagation and AntenaEE-472Web EngineeringSE351
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