Lagos State University
- University
- Lagos State University
Courses (132)
- Computer scienceCsc111
- MathematicsMAT101
- General chemistry 1Chm101
- Lagos state universityGNS 102
- Introduction to Programming LanguagesCSC 132
- medicinebio 101
- Strategic Business ReportingACCOP2
- PhysicsPhy 101
- General chemistry IIChm 102
- Statistical mathematicsMAT 161
- Introduction to Grammatical ModelENG 203
- Introductory Statistics IIMAT162
- english composition21102
- Introduction to discrete mathematicsCSC204
- Corporate financeCF451
- Engineering MathematicsMEE 201
- Fundamentals of data structuresCSC 221
- Use of EnglishGnus 102Advanced EconomicsECO 701Aeronautical engineeringASE 102African historyHis 112Applied MechanicsMEE 212assembly languagecsc 222Basic TicketingGst101BotanyBot 102Chemical Engr. laboratoryCHG 714Chemical kineticsCHM 409Christians Religious StudiesCrs 202College AlgebraMath 1201-01Commercial lawBul 301Community serviceCUS201Computer as a problem solving toolCSC 120Computer scienceCsc111Computer ScienceCS 4405Computer ScienceCS 2203Computer Sciencecs 2204Computer ScienceCS 3306Computer ScienceCS 2401Computer ScienceCS 4402Computer ScienceCS 4407computer studiesCOMP 1330Constitutional lawpul 201Corporate financeCF451Corporate governanceAcc 345Corporate lawBUL 501criminal lawPUL301Culture value and conflict in NigeriaPea 104Data base managementDBMS112Demographic Analysis in Educational ManagementEDM 314Educational ManagementEDM 101Educational technologyEDT 111Electrical machineECE 316Electrical scienceEls208ElectrochemistryCHM 316Electromagnetic TheoryECE 320Energy sources and conversionMEE 504Engineering DrawingMEE 205Engineering MathematicsMEE 201Engineering Mathematics IIECE 202english composition21102English languageENG 227EnterpreneurshipENT 202Entrepreneurship Training in BeekeepingEnvironmental LawENV 812Environmental ScienceEnv1301Equity401Est 305Statistics in edu.European historyHis 28Evolutionary computationCsc 323Financial accounting 1Acc 201Fluid Mechanics IIIMEE 405Food and nutritional biochemistryBCH 312Fundamental of ElectricityECE 201Fundamentals of data structuresCSC 221General chemistry 1Chm101General chemistry IIChm 102General physiologyPYS 201Human rightPUL303industrial relations and human resource management!RP 001Infix prefix postixcsc 213International public lawIPL301introduction businessBUS 103Introduction to automata theoryCsc 335Introduction to discrete mathematicsCSC204Introduction to Economic HistoryDIS 009Introduction to Grammatical ModelENG 203Introduction to Health PsychologyPSYC 1111Introduction to Programming LanguagesCSC 132Introduction to Public RelationsMCM 102Introduction to sociologySoc 101Introduction to the Practice of
DiplomacyDIS 005Introductory Biochemistry IBCH 201Introductory Statistics IIMAT162Islamic Law of SuccessionISL 501Lagos and it's environGNS 201Lagos state universityEng 321Lagos state universityGNS 102Law of EvidencePUL 402Law of Real PropertyPPL 410law of tortPUL305Logic philosophy and human existenceGST 112Machine DrawingMEE 303Macroeconomics IECO 203Management of Psychiatric DisordersPSH 507Management TechnologyMTE501Managing in global economyBus 5211Managing Strategy, Operations and Partnerships45988Mass communicationMass 2004Mathematical Method 1MAT 251MathematicsMAT101medicinebio 101Micro economicseco410Microbial Biochemistry BCH 407Numerical MethodsECE 401:Nursing001Object-oriented Programming ( C++)CSC 226oil and gas managementSG7300Operating SystemCSC801Operations managementMBA 706Organizational PsychologyPSY 302PhysicsPhy 101Political analysisPol 302Power Electronic IIECE 517Principles and Policies of Theatre AdministrationTHA 209ProcurementPSM 211Programming 1CS 1102-01Programming 2CS 1103-1Psychology projectPsy 498Pubic HEalthPHT123Reproductive physiologyPsy 304Research Projects IIBUS 499School Organisation and ManagememtEDM 311Secured CreditLAW 808Social inequalitySOC 303Social psychologyPsy 212Sociology of educationEFC 241Software DevelopmentQA 505Statistical mathematicsMAT 161Strategic Business ReportingACCOP2Strength of MaterialsMEE 207the citizen and the statepol 106ThermodynamicsCPE 201Thermofluid laboratoryMEE 206TradingTRAD 101Transport PhenomenaCPE 301Use of EnglishGnus 102VLSI designEC233Web DevelopmentCS 2205Workshop practiceGET 202Yoruba GrammarYOR 301
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