Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
- University
- Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Courses (319)
- Physics106
- Calculus IMATH119
- general physics2300105
- English 101ENG101
- Fluid MechanicsAE244
- Differential EquationsMATH219
- Mat 219Mat 219
- Mechanics of MaterialsCVE 224
- General Chemistry IICHM 112
- General ChemistryCHEM107
- General Physics IPHY 105
- introduction to linear algebramath260
- calculus 2math120
- general chemistry 1CHEM111
- Microeconomic Theory Iecon201
- structural analysisce 383
- International EconomicsECON353
- Principles of FinanceBA2802Academic Presentation SkillsENG211Advanced calculus IIMATH251Advanced DynamicsME502Advanced fluid mechanicsME517Advanced RC StructuresCE 581advanced soil mechanicsCE 564Advanced Soil Mechanics ICE 563Advanced Strength of MaterialsME 434Aerodynamics 1341Aerodynamics IAE341Aerodynamics IIAE342Aeronautical Engineering Design I451Aerospace structuresalemán-Ambientacion sonora66666analog integrated circuitsee414Analysis and Optimization Methods in FinanceIE4909Analytical MechanicsPHYS502Ancient HistoryHIST151Applied ElasticityAE361Approaches to State-Society RelationsADM 3101Artificial IntelligenceCENG462Automatic Control Systems 2ASE 483Bacterial DiversityBiol322Bank ManagementBA4821Basic circuit209Basic frenchFRN 201bio introbio106BiochemistryBIOL353Biochemistry IIBIOL308Biological PsychologyPSY3101C ProgrammingCENG 140calculus 2math120Calculus IMATH119Calculus of Functions of several variablesMATH 120calculus with analytic geometry2360119Cell BiologyBIOL203Cellular and Molecular Biology IGENE 103Chem. Eng. Laboratory ICHME 302chemical engineering designCHME 417Chemical Reaction EngineeringCHME 312Chinese A1.1Chn101Chinese A2.1CHN203Civil Engineering DrawingCE101Clinical BiochemistryBIOL424cognitive developmentpsy 321Comparative History of CivilizationIR104Comperative Governmentadm2132Computational InelasticityCE7018computer aided engineering graphicsME 105Computer ArchitectureEEE 445Computer organizationCENG331Computing Methods in EngineeringES361Concepts in BiologyBIOL - 107Condensed Matter PhysicsPhys312Contemporary TurkeyIR 370Contemporary World HistoryHist402Control systemsmech 304Data Communications and NewtorkingCeng435Data Management and File Structuresceng351Data miningceng514Data ScienceEcon414Decision ModelsEM505Deep LearningCS 559Demography & Population DynamicsSoc363DenemeBIOL101design of aircraft structuresAEE462Design, Development& Evaluation of Educational SoftwareCEIT 419Differential EquationsMATH219Differential geometryMATH371Digital ElectronicsEEE 312Discrete223Discrete Computational StructuresCENG223Discrete MathematicsMATH 112downstreamCHME 443Drama AnalysisFLE221duolingoduo123Dynamics5690208Econometric Methods-1ECON507Econometrics 2Econ302Electic Circuits 2EE202ElectrodynamicsPHYS 331Electromagnetic theoryPHYS334Electromagnetic TheoryEE224Electromagnetic Theory IPHYS 505Electromagnetic WavesEE303Energy and EnvironmentENVE 707engineering economyce231Engineering economyIE347Engineering MechanicsCE 222Engineering Statics: Mechanics IES221EnglishEng 102English 101ENG101Epigenetics in health and diseaseGENE455Ethics in Research and Practice of PsychologyPSY1020European IntegrationIR339Film AnalysisTHEA282FinanceFIN3229Financial AccountingBA1401Financial AccountingBAS142finite elementCE546Finite Element MethodME413Fiscal Policy and Public FinanceEcon312Flight DynamicsAE372Fluid MachineryME402fluid mechanichsCHME323Fluid MechanicsCHE222fluid mechanicsme 305Fluid MechanicsAE244Food Engineering DesignFDE425food mtyhs and factsFDE100Food Quality ControlFDE431Formal Languages and Abstract MachinesCENG 280Foundation EngineeringCE 366Freshwater EcologyBıol438fundamental of materials science and engineeringmete230Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineeringee209Fundamentals of Environmental EngineeringENVE201Fundamentals of mathematicsMATH111Fundamentals of PsychologyPSY1012Game Theory and Its ApplicationECON443Gas DynamicsME411Gas Prop - IAE499gear designgear14General Biology IIBIOL 102General ChemistryCHEM107general chemistry 1CHEM111General Chemistry IICHM 112General GeologyGeo 201general physics2300105General Physics IPHY 105Geothermal EnergyPNGE492german a2.1germ203Graphic DesignCEIT 218ground improvementce464Heat & Mass Transfer OperationsCHE 327Heat and Mass TransferME311Heat and Mass TransferME 311Heat and mass transferche327Heat TransferEE431heat transferae331High School Physics Curricula Review IMSE443History of economicsECON 208History of international political theoryIR110history of political thoughtadm2121HR managementBA 2801Human Resource ManagementBA2204HydromechanicsCE372Ideas and PoliticsPOLS5184Industrıal Ub. DesignIU200Information SystemsBA3301innovation economics601Instrumental AnalysisCHEM322Intermediate EnglishENGL 031International Economics ECON353International Private LawIR352International security3140328intro organic chemchem233Intro to AnthropologySOC131Intro to EQ EngineeringCE 490Introduction to Aircraft PerformanceAE172Introduction to AlgortihmsCEENG315Introduction to BiometryBIOL220Introduction to C ProgrammingCENG230Introduction to Computer Engineering ConceptsCENG 111Introduction to computer science and programmingCNG 111Introduction to Econometrics 23110302Introduction to Economics3110101Introduction to Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEE101Introduction to Embedded Systems developmentCENG336introduction to international relationsIR231Introduction to International RelationsIR206introduction to linear algebramath260Introduction to Logic DesignEE348introduction to medical imaging5670415Introduction to MicroprocessorsEEE 347Introduction to Molecular Biology and Genetics 2GENE104Introduction to PoliticsADM1121introduction to politicsadm1122Introduction to Politics IIADM1122introduction to probabilitystat 203Introduction to Probability & Stat 1Stat201Introduction to PsychologyPSY101Introduction to sociologySCL-109Introduction to StatisticsEcon206Investment ManagementBA 4814İtalyancaİtal1Java ile Nesne Yönelimli Programlama IION501Linear ProgrammingIE251Linear systemsee501Logic232machine elementsME 307Machine LearningCENG561Macroeconomic Theory23110204Makina Elemanları IMAK342management information systemsBA3103Managing organizational changeBA4226Manufacturing EngineeringMECH 303Manufacturing Technologiesmech 202Marketing StrategyBA4722Marketing StrategyBUS471Mass Transfer and Separation ProcessesCHME 326Mat 219Mat 219Material scienceCe241Materials of constructionCve 241Materials Processing LaboratoryMETE215mathematics for engineersES202maths for chemists2340257Mechanical DesignMECH 301Mechanical Engineering DesignME407mechanics of materialsce224Mechanics of MaterialsCE222Mechanics of MaterialsAEE 264Mechanics of MaterialsCVE 224Media and Opinionadm4147Metemete230Microbial Ecologybiol447microbiologybio303Microeconomic Theory Iecon201Microwave EngineeringEEE 527Microwave EngineeringEEE427Middle East Technical UniversityGENE 205Mineral Processing IMINE309Molecular GeneticsGENE365Monetary Theory and PolicyECON 311 Motor LearninPES342Numerical Methodsae305Numerical MethodsME310Numerical Solution of ODEsES510Operating SystemsCENG334operation managementbus361Operations Research 2IE 252Optics and WavesPHYS221organic chemistry 12360234Organization TheoryBA2206Orta Doğu Teknik ÜniversitesiME206Ottoman diplomacy and European state systemIR454Particle physisPhys407Pavement DesignCE552Petroleum Production EnginneringPETE331Philosophy of Cognitive Science9020517Philosophy of Marx2410353Physical chemistryCHM 351Physics106Physics IPHYS 375Physics LaboratoryPHYS 108Plant BiodiversityBIOL432plant biologybiol357point set topology420Political DemocracyPSIR424Political SciencePSIR 202Polymer technologyCHME 442Power ElectronicsEE463Principles of economicsECON 210Principles of EconomicsECON311Principles of FinanceBA2802Principles of Kemal Atatürk IHist2201Principles of marketingba2701Principles of Production EngineeringME212Probability and Random VariablesEE230probabiltyie265Process Control Applied in Food EngineeringFDE400Programming with Python for EngineersCENG240propulsion systems Iaee334Public International LawIR305Public International LawIR326Quality Planning and ControlIE 368Quantum physicsphys300Reinforced Concrete FundamentalsCE 382Reservoir EngineeringPETE 343Reservoir Rock PropertiesPETE220School ExperienceFLE 417Signal and systemsee301Socia AnthropologySOCL134Social psychologypsy291society and cultureadm1323Software EngineeringCENG350Software EngineringJava101Soil mechanicsCe 363SpanishSPAN201spectroscopic methods in organic chemistrychem471StaticsES221Staticsme205staticses223statistical methods for sociologySOC121Statistical ThermodynamicsPHYS430statisticsSTAT155Statistics for Economists 13110205strategic business leaderMan 201Strategic managementBA5102Strength of MaterialsES224structural analysisce 383Structural OptimizationCE 587Structure analysisART 232Structure and Functions of Cells of the Nervous SystemPsyc 374Sustainable ArchitectureARCH 859System DynamicsAE383termoterm203Testing and Measurement in PsychologyPSYC 331Theories of FascismADM4189Theories of International RelationsIR503Theories of PersonalityPSYC340Theory of Machines301Theory of machinesme301Thermal engineeringThermodynamicsche305ThermodynamicsAE231ThermodynamicsME203THERMODYNAMICS OF HEAT POWERME351thermodynamics of materialsMETE204thesis500topics in monetary macroeconomicsECON442Topluluk İşleriMSS-000training for adultsHRD 520turkish business environmentba4125turkish languageturk105Tuskish Administrative SystemADM2242waste water4173Work Systems Analysis and DesignIE333
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