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The motivation change



194 Documents
Students shared 194 documents in this course

RMIT University

Academic year: 2020/2021


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3 Definition of motivation: When people realize their goals and do what it takes to succeed, they are pleased and fulfilled (Stephen Rollnick and William R. Miller, 2009). Motivation is one of the fundamental factors that drives people to reach their objectives and understand what it takes to succeed. Each individual's level of motivation will influence their level of success. Internal motivation and external motivation are the two basic types of motivation. When it comes to intrinsic motivation, some experts have linked it to basic human requirements like hunger, thirst, and sleep, and when these basic wants are met, pleasure is driven by inner motivation. Working towards a tangible objective with a definite outcome is an example of extrinsic motivation.

3 Motivation of theory Motivation of theory bao gồm Content theories and Process theories () Đối với Contents theories có Herzberg, Maslow, and achievement Needs theory (McClelland), ERG - Existence Related Growth(Clayton Alderfer). Với Process theories bao gồm: Vroom, Adam, and Locke & Latham

  1. Content theory: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Figure 1: Maslow hierarchy of needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological motivational theory that consists of a five-tier model of human wants, which is commonly shown as hierarchical tiers within a pyramid. The needs are listed in the following order: physiological (food and clothing), safety (work security), love and belonging (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization. Lower-level needs must be met before persons can attend to higher-level demands (). People always want to satisfy basic human wants so that they have higher and higher needs gradually in a pyramid pattern.

For the social needs of people, relationships are needed to create bonds, team members always bond with each other in many ways so that they can turn a group into a solid, tight group to support each other with the assigned tasks in the exercise. And when the needs of each member of the group are met according to the hierarchy of needs, all 5 members of the group will together create the motivation to successfully complete the assigned task. Setting up the whole team makes the work easy to complete, easy to unify ideas together in the best way.

The Locke&Latham theory concept assisted our team in managing the group's goals and encouraged participants to work successfully based on the group's defined goals. Locke believes that in an organization, members working together toward a common aim and purpose will be a primary source of motivation, resulting in improved work performance (). The team devised a theoretical work plan by following five key steps: Set clear goals, set goals, and ensure goals are met. Obtain feedback on the task's complexity.

When we all committed to acquire a Merit and pass this semester, we set the group's aim. Goals should be properly tough but also slightly more difficult in order to drive participants to attain the most decided goal (). In order for motivation to last throughout the test, individuals need to feel that the goal ahead is very important, they need to believe that their goal will be achieved.

For the members of the group, we met in person to set specific goals for our work after discussing and finalizing the final goal. Nhat Minh is the team leader who will be in charge of the work division and planning of the group and Nhat Minh divides the work according to the ability of each individual in the group so that all members have the right parts to do according to their ability. Team leader has the ability to arrange meetings, select suitable jobs for each member, such as based on essay writing, reading comprehension skills. The required tasks are divided equally among each person; If an individual needs assistance in the task, the rest of the members are always ready to help, devoting their time, knowledge, ability and enthusiasm to group work to help complete the assignment and achieve the goal. The team members try their best with their abilities, perfecting the work in the best way before submitting the final paper. The group held meetings through both online and offline forms so that after having a draft of the whole group on the parts to be done, then agree on a specific deadline to complete the deadline in accordance with the deadline that the group has set goals to achieve. Team leader can closely monitor everyone's work progress and give feedback on each piece of work. Feedback is important because feedback helps to individualize and

maintain motivation so that each member of the team is always happy to work hard to make corrections if corrections are needed in the work. The whole group receives and objectively evaluates parts of the manuscript to revise together so that the article is completed in accordance with the group's goals. Ideation and debugging are done by all team members and contribute ideas together. Before submitting the final version, the team leader synthesized each person's part into a draft, held a meeting to revise together to agree on the ideas in the article. Each member of group .. was extremely enthusiastic when they were able to brainstorm and correct parts of the other member's essay because they all understood that it was difficult to complete the test in a limited time. The comments before implementation will be absorbed and evaluated objectively by the whole group. Commendation for this work. Members make daily efforts, devoting a certain amount of energy to the current task in exchange for any results. The team showed effort by working hard to meet the group's deadline before submitting the final version.

Nhờ vào lý thuyết Maslow, những thành viên trong nhóm luôn cố gắng để cùng nhau tạo những mối quan hệ tốt của tháp nhu cầu Social needs, nhờ làm việc trong môi trường hoà thuận nên các thành viên đã cùng nhau tạo cho nhóm một động lực làm việc cùng nhau dễ dàng hơn. Đối với Esteem needs, các thành viên luôn cố gắng tôn trọng ý kiến của nhau và dựa vào những sửa chữa của từng thành viên trong nhóm để cùng hoàn thiện bài làm của mình một cách hoàn hảo hơn. Chính vì vậy, mỗi công việc trong nhóm đều được hoàn thiện một cách nhanh chóng và được sự đồng thuận giữa các thành viên. Và cuối cùng là về mặt hoàn thiện, để bài làm được hoàn thiện một cách hoàn hảo nhất những thành viên trong nhóm đã cùng nhau nỗ lực cố gắng hoàn thiện thể hiện bản thân của mình trong bài làm để cùng kịp deadline của nhóm trưởng và deadline của môn học để hoàn thành bài làm một cách tốt nhất với mục tiêu cả nhóm đã đưa ra. Tuy nhiên, về mặt hạn chế khi áp dụng Maslow theory trong lúc làm việc là những nhu cầu của các thành viên trong nhóm có những thời điểm sẽ khác nhau. Do đó nhóm trưởng Nhật Minh thời gian đầu khó xác định được mức độ nhu cầu của từng thành viên trong

Về điểm mạnh của phương pháp này, các thành viên trong nhóm sẽ nhận được phản hồi liên tục để họ có thể cải thiện bài tập của mình thường xuyên. Hơn nữa, vì nhiệm vụ được cho là phù hợp với nhân viên nên mọi người không cảm thấy áp lực về công việc và do đó có kết quả làm việc tốt hơn. Tiếp theo, trong quá trình trao đổi, các thành viên trong nhóm có thể duy trì mối quan hệ dẫn đến hiệu quả hoạt động của nhóm 3 được cải thiện. Tóm lại, khi áp dụng phương pháp MBO, nhóm 3 đã nhận ra cả điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của phương pháp để từ đó vận dụng một cách hợp lý vào bài tập chung.

Evaluation: Điểm mạnh khi sử dụng theory Locke&Latham, các thành viên trong nhóm 7 sẽ

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The motivation change

Course: Marketing

194 Documents
Students shared 194 documents in this course

University: RMIT University

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3.1 Definition of motivation:
When people realize their goals and do what it takes to succeed, they are pleased and
fulfilled (Stephen Rollnick and William R. Miller, 2009). Motivation is one of the
fundamental factors that drives people to reach their objectives and understand what it
takes to succeed. Each individual's level of motivation will influence their level of
success. Internal motivation and external motivation are the two basic types of
motivation. When it comes to intrinsic motivation, some experts have linked it to basic
human requirements like hunger, thirst, and sleep, and when these basic wants are met,
pleasure is driven by inner motivation. Working towards a tangible objective with a
definite outcome is an example of extrinsic motivation.
3.2 Motivation of theory
Motivation of theory bao gồm Content theories and Process theories ()
Đối với Contents theories Herzberg, Maslow, and achievement Needs theory
(McClelland), ERG - Existence Related Growth(Clayton Alderfer). Với Process theories
bao gồm: Vroom, Adam, and Locke & Latham