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quản lý dự án (2021)

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The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Students'

Creative Thinking Ability

Zulkarnaen 1 , S Hidayat 2 , S Prayogi 2 , M Asy’ari 2 , F Sarnita 3 , Widia 4 , Fathurrahmaniah 4 , A Fauzi 5 , L Ramdhani 5 and N N S P Verawati 6 1 Physics Education Department, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda 75119, INDONESIA. 2 Physics Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Mataram 83125, INDONESIA. 3 Physics Education Department, STKIP Taman Siswa, Kota Bima 84173, INDONESIA. 4 Science Education Department, STKIP Harapan Bima, Bima 84161, INDONESIA. 5 Mathematic Education Department, STKIP Harapan Bima, Bima 84161, INDONESIA. 6 Physics Education Department, University of Mataram, Mataram 83126, INDONESIA


Abstract. This study aimed to explore the effect of the PBL model on students' creative thinking ability. A quasi-experimental study with 70 samples divided into experimental group and control group was carried out in this study. Data on students' creative thinking ability were collected using 8 items of essay test instruments that accommodate the creative thinking ability indicators. Descriptive analysis using the n- gain equation and statistical analysis using the ANOVA test were carried out to determine the improvement and effect of the treatment implemented on students' creative thinking ability. The results showed that the students’ creative thinking ability in the experimental group (n-gain: 0) was significantly different (p<0) in comparison with the control group (n-gain: 0). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the PBL model has a significant effect on students' creative thinking ability.

  1. Introduction Indicators of the low quality of education can be seen from the strategies, methods, models and teaching methods implemented in learning activities. In general, the learning process at the secondary school level tends to use conventional learning such as lectures, assignments, using textbooks which are more dominated by teachers in the learning process. One of the innovative teaching models that can be implemented in science learning is problem-based learning (PBL) [1]. Problem-based learning is a student-centred approach and requires prior general knowledge. Students are more active in

obtaining information from various sources. Since it was first implemented until now, problem-based learning has become one of the methods that has received considerable attention in Indonesia, especially in the world of secondary and higher education [2], and is a solution to improve the quality of learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) [3].

Until now, to promote higher order thinking and problem solving for students in authentic learning situations, problem-based learning has been used, and it has been adopted in various educational and learning contexts [4]. Along with the development of learning practices using PBL in various learning settings there has been an increasing number of studies examining its effectiveness in developing students' thinking skills [2]. Previous studies have even investigated the effect of PBL in the learning curriculum [5], and the most popular is the implementation of PBL which leads to more optimal learning outcomes [6]. The result is that the application of PBL is able to improve and develop knowledge, competence, problem-solving and communication skills [7]. In PBL, students work together in groups to find and solve problems. In this context, it prioritizes the suitability of learning with things found in everyday life [8]. This is in line with the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum (K-13) in Indonesia which recommends learning to be carried out with a scientific approach through PBL.

PBL is a learning model designed in a learning procedure that begins with a specific problem [9]. PBL requires students to develop knowledge independently or work together in study groups to find solutions to an authentic problem. Problems that are complex, contextual and ill-structured will provide opportunities for students to develop their thinking skills and develop their creativity in digging up various information, developing various possible solutions, and creating various sources to solve problems [10]. Proponents of PBL claim to have been able to improve the quality of the learning process and are more effective at acquiring long-term knowledge when compared to conventional learning [11]. This is further researched to develop creative thinking skills [12,13].

Creative thinking is one of the 21st century thinking skills in addition to critical thinking, communication skills, collaboration, and problem solving [14–23]. An indication of educational progress in some developed countries is when students are able to think creatively [24]. Creativity is shaped by a person's cognitive ability to solve problems and generate new ideas that is rarely thought of by others [25]. Students' creative thinking abilities can develop with a stimulus, and this is usually facilitated by the teacher in the learning process with effective learning designs [26]. In this study we explored the effect of the PBL model on students' creative thinking ability.

  1. Methods The type of research used is quasi-experimental. A quantitative approach in a quasi-experimental approach is used to determine the effect of the independent variable (treatment) on the dependent variable (outcome) under controlled conditions. The research sample consisted of 70 students (n = 70) from one of the secondary schools in the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The sample was divided into two classes, each of 35 students as the experimental group and 35 students as the control group. The experimental group was given learning treatment using the PBL model, while the control group was given conventional learning (lectures and questions and answers).

Learning is carried out on physics material in the motion sub-material in four meetings (excluding pretest and posttest). The pretest-posttest was conducted in both groups (experimental and control) with a creative thinking ability test instrument consisting of 8 items that accommodate Torrance's creative thinking indicators on aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration [27]. Each indicator consists of two question items. Scores of students' creative thinking ability were analyzed using a multilevel scale (five scales) adapted from the scoring technique of Verawati et al [28] with the lowest score -1 (minus one) and the highest +3 (plus three). Furthermore, the creative thinking scores (CRs) of each student were interpreted into categories of very creative (CRs > 17), creative (11 < CRs ≤ 17), quite creative (4 < CRs ≤ 11), less creative (-1 < CRs ≤ 4), not creative (CRs ≤

Table 3. The results of one-way anova analysis Group Sum of sqr. Df Mean square F Sig. Between Groups 1937,314 1 1836,413 608,187 0, Within Groups 114,710 68 3, Total 2052,024 69

The results in Table 2 show that the sample groups from both classes (experimental and control) are normally distributed and homogeneous, this is because the significance value of both is greater than 0. The results of one-way ANOVA analysis (Table 3) show a significance value (0) less than 0. It is interpreted that there are differences in students' creative thinking abilities between the two test classes (experimental and control) after the treatment of each group. When compared with the results in Table 1, it is very clear that the PBL model has a significant effect on increasing students' creative thinking abilities.

In line with the results, empirical studies show that PBL challenges students to be actively involved in problem solving with characteristics that are rich in information settings. On the other hand, a study that conducted a meta-analysis of 90 studies, 19 theses, and 6 articles found that PBL was proven to contribute more effectively than conventional learning to scientific attitudes [30], thinking skills, problem solving, and self-directed skills [31] that allows students to be more active in learning [32] that allows students to be more active in learning [33].

In contrast to the results of this study, Temel [34] found that PBL did not have a significant impact compared to direct learning, the results Temel’s study only showed a significant difference in impact only on students' perceptions related to perceptions of problem solving abilities. In contrast to the results of this study, Ulger and Imer [35] stated that PBL has a significant impact on students' creative thinking ability in visual art education learning.

  1. Conclusion The results of this study have achieved the objectives that have been formulated previously. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the PBL model has a more significant impact on students' creative thinking ability than conventional learning (p < 0).

  2. Recommendation Simple simulations that do not burden students' thinking processes in learning are important to be applied in learning with the PBL model. It is important to do this in further research to identify and minimize the possibility of reasoning that tends to backwards and hinders the development of students' creative reasoning in learning using the PBL model.


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Untitle Article - 69449503

Course: quản lý dự án (2021)

504 Documents
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The 1st International Conference Science Physics and Education (ICSPE) 2021
The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Students'
Creative Thinking Ability
Zulkarnaen1, S Hidayat2, S Prayogi2, M Asy’ari2, F Sarnita3, Widia4,
Fathurrahmaniah4, A Fauzi5, L Ramdhani5 and N N S P Verawati6
1Physics Education Department, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda 75119,
2Physics Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Mataram 83125,
3Physics Education Department, STKIP Taman Siswa, Kota Bima 84173,
4Science Education Department, STKIP Harapan Bima, Bima 84161, INDONESIA.
5Mathematic Education Department, STKIP Harapan Bima, Bima 84161,
6Physics Education Department, University of Mataram, Mataram 83126,
Abstract. This study aimed to explore the effect of the PBL model on students'
creative thinking ability. A quasi-experimental study with 70 samples divided into
experimental group and control group was carried out in this study. Data on students'
creative thinking ability were collected using 8 items of essay test instruments that
accommodate the creative thinking ability indicators. Descriptive analysis using the n-
gain equation and statistical analysis using the ANOVA test were carried out to
determine the improvement and effect of the treatment implemented on students'
creative thinking ability. The results showed that the students’ creative thinking ability
in the experimental group (n-gain: 0.72) was significantly different (p<0.05) in
comparison with the control group (n-gain: 0.14). Based on the results of the study, it
can be concluded that the PBL model has a significant effect on students' creative
thinking ability.
1. Introduction
Indicators of the low quality of education can be seen from the strategies, methods, models and
teaching methods implemented in learning activities. In general, the learning process at the secondary
school level tends to use conventional learning such as lectures, assignments, using textbooks which
are more dominated by teachers in the learning process. One of the innovative teaching models that
can be implemented in science learning is problem-based learning (PBL) [1]. Problem-based learning
is a student-centred approach and requires prior general knowledge. Students are more active in